My first ever blog post yeehaa- the DFI was pretty fast paced but by large most of it was familiar enough that the new stuff was digestible. Surprised there isn't more secondary teachers as I think the stuff we are learning is so valuable for teachers since the students will start to come to us with an ever greater degree of digital fluency.
Interesting to find out about the history of Manaiakalani and how it all started especially the fact that the original kaupapa never had any huge leanings towards technology.
I know there are a ton of new tricks and tips on the google suite and we covered quite a few new ones today that I never knew about, including some basic stuff like keeping our drives organised. I recently had a conversation with a colleague who compared her drive to a hoarders house in which you can no longer open the doors and there might even be the odd dead body in there it is so disorganised.
Luckily I was introduced to Marie Condo and now I know about making everything I own something that fills me with joy or out it goes. Willie and I like our avatars, Willie has the Knight King and mine is my son in full Buzz Lightyear regalia when he went through that stage. They are probably not the most professional of choices so we may have to find some middle ground between joy and professionalism there.
You will have to imagine my poster here as I can't seem to print screen it on the new laptop - which is pretty poor for a someone doing a digital fluency course but I will get there. figured it out, thanks Cheryl.